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Pellets Rst Platin A1 (990kg)

Pellets Rst Platin A1 (990kg)

Package mode:

 1 pallet 66 bags/15 kg weight 990 kg

Price list pellet your own lift:

Price your own lift Quantity in kg
338 € pallet 990 kg
€ 5,1212 bag 15 kg 

*Price is valid in case of purchase of whole pallet (990kg)
*When you buy less than 1 pallet, the price is expensive by 5%

Price list of pellet with delivery:

Quantity  Price with delivery pallet Price with delivery bag
1 palm 363€ /990kg € 5.5000 /15kg
2 PAL 358 € /990 kg


3 pal + 338 € /990 kg € 5,1212 /15kg

*Minimum amount for delivery 1 Pal / 990kg
*For the Northern Primorska region (Most na Soči, Tolmin, Bovec, Kobarid and surroundings), transportation (which is not covered in the above table) is additionally charged € 10 for each pallet

Payment method:

- cash upon delivery

- all types of banking and credit cards

 - installment payment

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Pellet composition:

 - spruce 


The essential properties of pellets:

Name of Properties Value
Caloric value ≥ 4.6 kWh/kg
The ash content ≤ 0,5 %
Mechanical durability ≥ 99 % 
The content of dust particles ≤ 0,7 % 
Water content ≤ 10 %
The density of the grinding 600 kg/m³ - 750 kg/m³ 

Assistance in purchase:

For any additional information and assistance in your purchase, you can contact our contact number. You can also order all the products over the phone. 


041 633 095

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  • Carefully drying

    The process of drying with recuperation heat treats carefully with the material so that the caloric value remains in the product. The characteristic reddish color of wood from this region indicates an elevated proportion of energy.
    Preše of the leading manufacturer on the market is provided by high quality pellets with high calorie value.

  • High quality raw materials

    Pellets are produced from renewable raw materials and bring a significant contribution to the protection of the environment due to CO2 neutrality.
    The pellet is equipped with the latest technology. The innovative band's peeling process provides thorough cleaning of wood, which in turn means the superior quality of the produced pellets with low ash content, all of which ensure clean heating.

  • Certification enplus® A1

    RST wood pellets Premium Platin are strictly controlled by a certified system ENplus® A1.

    The raw material of 100% spruce without tree crust is used for production.

Goldi-i service

We deliver wood pellets throughout Slovenia with our own vehicles, which are specially adapted for home pellet delivery. The peculiarity of Deluxe delivery is, however, the pellets are delivered anywhere regardless of the location. This enables us to have many years of experience and specially adapted vehicles. We are constantly updating the fleet with new and technologically advanced solutions.

Delivery of pellets by truck

In our fleet, two trucks are specially adapted for the delivery of wood pellets to the home. Both vehicles are equipped with lifting platforms and an electric truck for unloading pellets.

Delivery of pellets with a van

Delivery with a van is performed in areas where access is disabled from trucks. The vans are also equipped with a unloading platform and an electric forklift.

Quality and security

For each of our delivery, pellets and briquettes are of good fixed with connecting ropes that allow for safe and, above all, quality dostrava. This allows us to deliver the pellets to the home completely undamaged.

Gold-i storage

Wood pellets are stored in our own warehouses. All warehouses covered and tidy to the highest standards. The facilities are completely water protection and prevent any water or moisture from intrusion. All warehouses are located in such a way that they allow us to deliver quickly and quality pellets and briquette throughout Slovenia.

Warehouses at three locations

All warehouses are located in such a way that they allow us to quickly and quitly pellet delivery throughout Slovenia. The two main warehouses are located in Kamnik and one in Prekmurje. In addition, we also use two logistics warehouses on the coast.